Please read the location and parking details before coming.

Riders - Press 'The Hub' at the gate.
Take your first right onto the yard and park on the back wall by the stables. We will come and get you.

Conigree Court,
GL18 1NF

Horse Lorries: All horse lorries over 7.5T MUST turn left into 'Newent' at the traffic lights when you are approximately 4 minutes away. Then take the first right, right at the end of road, and then right just as you come over the small hill. Please do not try the other route as we promise you will not fit. 7.5T and 3.5T and trailers will be fine.
Press 'The Hub' at the gate.

Take your first left going up to the arena and please park sensibly, not to block other lorries turning or the stables. If you have booked a stable please feel free to go and find one on the bottom yard with a bed down and make yourselves comfy. We will be with you in a sec if we are not there already. If you are being treated first, just walk on down to the other yard, and you will see us in the building to the left.

Dynamic Performance Hub

Conigree Road, Newent, England, GL18 1NF

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